On Solid Ground

The solid ground on which we build –
the sacrifice He once fulfilled,              
His blood – our daily pleading ground,       
ensures salvation can be found.

This firm foundation once was laid
for us to be our only aid.                  
Bought by one all-redeeming price,           
we will refind the Paradise.

The Rock that makes the building stand –
provided by God's mighty hand,
redeems us by His saving blood,
restores us to the heart of God.

What since the fall of man occurred,
as written in His Holy Word;
transgression made us go astray –
from God we turned ourselves away.

For sin that through 'first Adam' came         
is ours by choice; we are to blame.              
The 'second Adam' sets us free                   
so we may live eternally.

On Calvary, there on that tree,
He gave His life to guarantee:
you shall be saved when you accept
that He once died for your own debt.

Christ Jesus died that we might live.           
Now your part is yourself to give;            
give Him your heart, make that your goal,
so to be made completely whole.

We try to make ourselves secure
by things that here will not endure.
Take endlessness into account
and turn towards the living Fount.

May living waters strongly swell
to do your soul forever well.
Whoever drinks will thirst no more,
abundant life he will adore.

The Holy Spirit enters in                    
your heart, and there He dwells within,                 
will evermore with you abide
until the Church will be His bride.            

O glorious day that soon will be!          
In mirrors now we dimly see,             
but then we see Him face to face             
and rest in His eternal grace.                  

No death, no sorrow, no more pain,             
no tears, no fear – what glorious gain        
awaits us with the Son of Man                
when He, one day, returns again.               

In just the twinkling of an eye               
we then will meet Him in the sky,              
will put on heavenly body form –         
'no flesh and blood' – we will transform ...

To enter in the Bridal Room,
in Heaven's realm beside our Groom,
to join in the great wedding feast,
to worship Him, the Lamb, the Priest.

We cast our crowns before His throne
and give all thanks to Him alone.
And every knee on earth shall bow.
You may as well bow for Him now.

And every tongue will then confess
that Christ is Lord – for all to bless.
Accept Him and you will receive
eternal life! You must believe!

Do not delay, be wise, choose right:
from darkness step into the light.
Accept Him as your Lord and King:
this will to you redemption bring.

Deliverance from guilt and sin,
will bring you change from deep within.
With opened eyes restored to sight ...
Behold the Lamb!: He is The Light!

A poem written by Gertim Alberda.

I wrote this poem, starting on the 22th and finishing it on the 29th of October 2022, after a lot of editing and polishing.
This poem consistently has 2 pairs of couplets for each verse, in the Rhyme scheme: AABB. It has a constant regular meter, starting with an unaccented -, then an accented syllable. That (Iambic) pair of unstressed and stressed syllables (also called a foot) is then repeated 4 times for each line, according to this (feet):
x / x / x / x / (x= unaccented and /= accented). It can be sung on hymn tunes with meter I put this poem on music. You can find it here.

Email: gertim . alberda @ gmail.com (without spaces)