Miracles of Jesus (NT; Gospels)

65 mentions
No. Miracle Place Matthew Mark Luke John
1. Mary
(mother of Jesus ) becomes pregnant
Nazareth 1:18-25 1:30-35
2. Star of Bethlehem led wise men Bethlehem 2:1-2, 9-11
3. The Holy Spirit was seen as a dove Jordan river 3:17 1:11 3:21-22
4. God spoke in an audible voice from Heaven Jordan river and Jerusalem 3:17, 17:5 1:11, 9:7 3:21-22, 9:35 12:28
5. Healed many diseased and possessed by devils Capernaum and Gennesaret 4:23-24, 8:16-17, 9:35, 12:15, 14:14, 14:35-36, 15:30-31, 19:1-2, 21:14 1:32-34, 1:39, 3:10-11, 6:54-55 4:40-41, 6:17-19, 8:2, 9:11
6. Passes unseen through a crowd Nazareth 4:28-30
7. Heals Peter's wife's mother of a fever. Capernaum. 8:14-15 1:30-31 4:38-39
8. Calms the tempest. Sea of Galilee 8:23-27 4:35-41 8:22-25
9. Cures the demoniacs of Gadara. Gadara. 8:28-34 5:1-19 8:26-39
10. Heals the centurion's servant. Capernaum. 8:5-13 7:1-10
11. Cures a man of the palsy. Capernaum. 9:1-8 2:1-12 5:17-26
12. Restores to life the daughter of Jairus. Capernaum. 9:18-19, 9:23-26 5:22-43 8:41-42, 49-58
13. Restores to sight two blind men. Nazareth 9:27-31
14. Heals one possessed with a dumb spirit. Nazareth 9:32-33 9:14
15. Heals diseased and casts out devils as proof He is Christ for John the Baptist's disciples Judea 11:4-5 7:21-22
16. Cures a blind demoniac. Capernaum. 12:22-23 11:14-23
17. Feeds five thousand with 5 loaves and 2 fish Decapolis. 14:15-21, 16:9 6:34-44, 8:19 9:12-17 6:5-12
18. Walks on water Sea of Galilee. 14:22-36 6:45-56 6:19-21
19. Calms the storm and moves the boat to shore Sea of Galilee. 14:22-36 6:45-56 6:21
20. Heals the woman of Canaan's daughter. Near Tyre. 15:22-28 7:24-30
21. Feeds four thousand with 7 loaves and a few fish Decapolis. 15:32-39, 16:10 8:1-9, 8:20
22. Mount of Transfiguration 17:1-8 9:2-10 9:28-36
23. Cast out dumb spirit that disciples couldn't cast out
(pray and fast)
Tabor. 17:14-21 9:14-27 9:38-42
24. Miraculous provision of tribute Capernaum 17:24-27
25. Restores to sight two blind men
Jericho. 20:30-34 10:46-52 18:35-43
26. Jesus rose from the dead Jerusalem 28:6 16:6 24:6 20:1-18
27. Cures a demoniac. Capernaum. 1:22-28 4:31-37
28. Heals a leper. Capernaum. 8:1-4 1:40-45 5:12-15
29. Heals withered hand on Sabbath Judea 12:9-13 3:1-6 6:6-11
30. Gives power to 12 to heal and cast out devils Nazareth 10:1 3:14-15, 6:7-13 9:1-5
31. Gives power to 70 to heal and cast out devils Samaria 10:9
32. Cures a woman diseased with a flux of blood. Capernaum. 9:20-22 5:25-34 8:43-48
33. Healed few in His own country Nazareth 6:5
34. Heals a man who was dumb and deaf. Decapolis. 7:31-37
35. Restores to sight a blind man in two steps. Bethsaida 8:22-26
36. Others use His name to cast out devils 9:38 9:49
37. Curses the fig tree Bethany 21:18-21 11:12-14, 20-26
38. Jesus chose when to die -
(see those notes for more references)
Calvary 15:37-39 23:46 10:18, 19:30
39. Suddenly appears among disciples after arose Jerusalem 27:50 16:14 24:36 20:19, 20:26
40. Casts 7 devils out of Mary Magdalene 8:2
41. Zacharias
(father of John B.) becomes dumb for a period of time
Jerusalem 1:20-22, 1:62-64
42. Elizabeth
(mother of John B.) becomes pregnant
city of Juda 1:7, 1:13
43. Heals a woman who had a spirit of infirmity  for eighteen years Galilee. 13:11-17
44. Cures a man of dropsy. Galilee. 14:1-6
45. Cleanses ten lepers. Samaria. 17:11-19
46. Heals the ear of Malchus. Gethsemane. 26:51-54 14:47-49 22:50-51 18:10-11
47. Hid then revealed Himself to 2 disciples after resurrection road to Emmaus 24:16-31
48. Disappears from room and sight road to Emmaus 24:31
49. Causes a miraculous draught of fishes. Galilee 4:17-22 1:14-20 5:1-11
50. Raises the widow's son. Nain. 7:11-17
51. Zacharias made dumb then speaks Jerusalem. 1:17-20, 1:62-65
52. the veil was rent in twain from the top to the bottom Jerusalem. 27:51 15:38 23:45
53. Turns water into wine. Cana. 2:1-11
54. Cures the nobleman's son of Capernaum. Capernaum. 4:46-54
55. Cures an infirm man at Bethesda. Jerusalem. 5:1-9
56. Hid Himself in crowd that was trying to kill Him Jerusalem. 8:59
57. Restores to sight a man born blind. Jerusalem. 9:1-41
58. Raises Lazarus from the dead. Bethany. 11:1-57
59. Men fell at the word of Jesus Jerusalem. 18:1-9
60. Angels and Jesus appear to Mary Magdalene Jerusalem. 20:11-18
61. Jesus appears in closed room twice Jerusalem. 16:14 24:36 20:19, 20:26
62. Causes the miraculous draught of fishes. Sea of Galilee. 21:1-14
63. Jesus kept the net from breaking Sea of Galilee. 21:11
64. Tells Peter to fish for tax money Capernaum. 17:27
65. many other signs...which are not written in this book 20:30-31

Email: gertim . alberda @ gmail.com (without spaces)