This page contains a mixture of all my (Gertim Alberda) other scores. This includes hymns and/or secular songs and also classical works or modern music. The lyrics are not in English per se, but can be in other languages as well (probably in Dutch or German then; I'm Dutch). The numbers in the most left column are chosen arbitrarily and don't match with any musicbook (or it must be coincidentally).

Clicking on a thumbnail in the most right column of the table below, leads to a play page of the score where you can listen to and/or download the score in several formats (xml can be used to interchange with other score notation software, for instance Sibelius). You can also download the mp3 (the sound that plays with the score).

You can also view the table below in a PDF document here, with link to the matching Youtube videos (I will update it, when I make changes to the file).

Go directly to No.:

315 other scores (including many hymns)
No. Title Composer Lyricist Thumbnail
1. Abendlied Josef Rheinberger
2. Als de hemel zich eens zal ontsluiten Mary van Erkel / Gertim Alberda Unknown
3. Alzo lief had God de wereld Arranged by G.T. Alberda Unknown, based on John 3:16.
4. Am Abend da es kühle war J.S. Bach Picander
5. An Sylvia Franz Schubert
6. Behold the Lamb of God G.F. Händel
7. Cantique de Jean Racine Gabriel Fauré
8. Eat the bread I give Kirk Dearman / Arranged by G.T.
(Gertim) Alberda
9. Das Wandern
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
10. De Heer is mijn Herder Johannes Gijsbertus Bastiaans / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
11. Der Herr is mein Hirt Bernard Klein
12. Der Lindenbaum
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
13. Der Wegweiser
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
14. Die Himmel erzählen
(die Schöpfung)
Joseph Haydn
15. Die Krähe
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
16. Dierb're Heiland, mijn Verlosser Dora Boole
17. Die Wetterfahne
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
18. Domine Deus
(BWV 232)
19. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
(BWV 645)
J.S. Bach
20. Du bist die Ruh
(Ausgewählte Lieder)
Franz Schubert
21. Du, o Gott, den wir bekennen Esslinger Choralbuch
22. Enigma Variations Edward Elgar
23. Ere zij God Franz Albert Schutz Isaac Bikkers
24. Erfüllet ihr Himmlischen göttlichen Flammen J.S. Bach
25. Er is een kindeke geboren op aard' Oud Hollands kerstlied
26. Er is een overheerlijk land Arranged by G.T. Alberda
27. Erstarrung
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
28. Onder uw vleugels, in Uw erbarmen G.T. Alberda J.Ph. Buddingh
29. Es ist nun nicht verdammliches an denen die in Christus Jesus sind
(BWV 227_2)
J.S. Bach
30. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen Michael Paetorius
31. Gefrorne Tränen
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
32. Glorify Thy name Arranged by G.T. Alberda
33. God and God alone Phil McHuge / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
34. God had ons zo lief
(God so loved the world)
John Stainer G.T. Alberda
35. Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit
(BWV 106)
J.S. Bach
36. Gott sei mir gnädig dieser Zeit
(WoO 50)
Josef Rheinberger
37. Graduale
(Locus iste)
Anton Bruckner
38. Gute Nacht
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
39. Heer, God, U loven wij Arranged by G.T. Alberda E. A. Gebhardt
40. Heer, kom terug! G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
41. Heerlijk is Uw naam Arranged by G.T. Alberda
42. Herz Jesu
(WoO 41)
Joseph Rheinberger
43. Het is volbracht
(Es ist vollbracht!)
44. Het is volbracht / variant I Bernard Greenberg
(BSG) / after G.T. Alberda
45. Het is volbracht / variant II G.T. Alberda
46. Het is volbracht / variant III G.T. Alberda
47. Het is volbracht / variant IV G.T. Alberda
48. Hoe leit dit kindeken
(old Dutch Christmas song)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
49. Hoger dan de blauwe luchten Arranged by G.T. Alberda A. de Vogel
50. Ik ga slapen, ik ben moe Arranged by G.T. Alberda J. de Liefde
51. U zou het al kunnen weten
(antwoordlied op Jules de Corte)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
52. In Bethlehem geboren Arranged by G.T. Alberda
53. In Christ alone my hope is found Arranged by G.T. Alberda
54. In the bleak midwinter
(choir excerpt)
Harold Darke
55. In the bleak midwinter
(full score)
Harold Darke
56. It is finished
(BWV 458)
Schemelli/Bach George van Popta
57. It is fulfilled
(congregational version)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda George van Popta
58. Jauchzet frohlocket
(BWV 248.1)
J.S. Bach
59. Jesu, meine Freude
(BWV 610)
J.S. Bach
60. Jesu hail, o God most holy John Stainer
61. Jesus hat mich frei gemacht G.T. Alberda
62. Jezus, mijn Heiland, groot is Uwe liefde Arranged by G.T. Alberda
63. k Ben reizend naar die stad E.W. Dunbar / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
64. k Heb Jezus lief met heel mijn hart E.H. Gebhardt / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
65. Kom, Jezus, kom! G.T. Alberda
66. Komm, Jesu, Komm
(BWV 229)
J.S. Bach
67. Lamb of God Twila Paris / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
68. Legends of the infancy J.F Bridge E.L. Hervey
69. Libera me Domine Gabriel Fauré
70. Lord of heaven, Lord I praise you G.T. Alberda
71. Luid klokjes klingelingeling Arranged by G.T. Alberda
72. Mache dich, mein Herze, rein
(BWV 244.65)
J.S. Bach
73. Nabij Gods hoog verheven troon Opw. 546 / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
74. Net als in tijden van weleer Konrad Kocher
75. Nimm mich, O Herr, in deinen Hut
(WoO 51)
Joseph Rheinberger
76. Nooit zag k een vriend G.C. Hugg / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
77. Nine sily nebesnyja
(Now the powers of heaven)
Aleksandr Sheremetev
78. Nu zijt wellekome Arranged by G.T. Alberda
79. O Come, O come Emmanuel 15th century, French melody
80. O Heer, mijn God, wanneer ik in verwondering / Hoe groot zijt Gij / O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder / How great Thou art Arranged by G.T. Alberda
81. O holy night A.C. Adam / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
82. Panis Angelicus Organ setting by G.T. Alberda
83. Precious Lord G.N. Allen T.A. Dorsey
84. Rast
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
85. Ruht wohl
(BWV 245.39)
J.S. Bach
86. Salve regina Josef Rheinberger
87. Tikhaya Noch
(Silent Night)
Franz Gruber / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
88. Still I
(When the oceans rise)
Reuben Morgan / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
89. The Angel Gabriel
(Basque Carol)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
90. The Lord is my Shepherd Keith & Melody Green / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
91. The power of Your love Geoff Bullock / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
92. There is none like You Lenny LeBlanc / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
93. This is the truth from above Arranged by R.V. Williams
94. Tuba mirum spargens sonum
W.A. Mozart
95. Turn your eyes upon Jesus H.H. Lemmel
96. t was in de winterkou Joseph Barnby G.T. Alberda
97. t was nacht in Bethlems dreven Arranged by G.T. Alberda
98. t Was Thy Love, O God, that knew us W.L. Viner / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
99. Vader maak ons één
(Father make us one)
Rick Ridings / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
100. Vaste rots van mijn behoud / Rock of ages cleft for me Arranged by G.T. Alberda
101. Voor uw liefde, Heer Jezus, dank U wel Arranged by G.T. Alberda
102. Wasserflut
(die Winterreise)
Franz Schubert
103. Wat zal de wereld mooi zijn op die dag Arranged by G.T. Alberda
104. Weet je dat de Vader je kent? Elly & Rikkert Zuiderveld / Arranged by Gertim Alberda
105. What Child is this? 16th century air / Arranged by John Stainer
106. When I survey the wondrous cross
Emrys Jones
107. When shepherds watched their flocks by night Goerge Kirby
108. Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern
(BWV 1.1)
J.S. Bach
109. Wo soll ich fliehen hin
(BWV 5.1)
J.S. Bach
110. Ik heb hier, als christen, geen vaderland meer J.B. Dykes / Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
111. De overwinnaar, Jezus, leeft J.B. Dykes G. Fidder / herdicht en uitbreiding door G.T. Alberda
112. Jesu, meine Freude
(BWV 753)
J.S. Bach
113. Abba, Vader, U alleen / Abba, Father, let me be Dave Bilbrough
114. Danket dem Herrn Karl Friedrich Schulz
115. Dank sei dir, Herr G.F Händel
(Echtheit angezweifelt)
116. Worthy is the Lamb
G.F. Händel
117. Vertrouw op Hem G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
118. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
G.T. Alberda
119. Heer, Jezus, Kom Arranged by G.T. Alberda
120. Wees in niets bezorgd tune by Arie Pronk / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
121. Als de Heer het huis niet bouwt / If the Lord won't build the house G.T. Alberda
122. God zij gedankt G.T. Alberda
123. For God so loved the world
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
124. When I survey the wondrous cross (Rockingham
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
125. One day Matt Redman (Choir arrangement
(SATB) by Alberda, Gertim)
126. I am the way G.T. Alberda
127. The Church's One foundation
Samuel Wesley / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
128. Lord, behold us with Thy blessing Barnby / Goss
129. Total praise Richard Smallwood / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
130. You are the Way G.T. Alberda
131. Schönster Herr Jesu Arranged by G.T. Alberda
132. God heb ik lief
(Psalm 116)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
133. All creatures of our God and King Arranged by G.T. Alberda
134. De Heer is mijn licht / der Herr ist mein Licht / the Lord is my light George Frederick Root
135. Zie ik sterren aan de hemel staan Ralph Carmichael, arranged by G.T. Alberda
136. Nous t'adorons notre Père Franse bundel no.1
137. Du, Herr, hast unsre Schuld gesühnt Wilhelm Brockhaus Carl Brockhaus
138. Geprezen zij de Heer, die eeuwig leeft. Thomas Augustine Arne Jan van Ingen Schenau
139. Great is Thy faithfulness William Marion Runyan Thomas O. Chisholm
140. He is Lord Arose during the 60s, arranged by G.T. Alberda
141. Leg maar stil je hand in Zijn handen Arie Pronk. Arranged by G.T. Alberda
142. Nailed to the cross Grant Colfax Tullar Carrie Ellis Breck
143. Nunc cantemus Unknown, arranged by G.T. alberda Unknown
144. Source of Life Arranged by G.T. Alberda, tune partly by J.F. Haydn G.T. Alberda
145. Stabat mater Kodály Zoltán
146. O Heer, die mij hebt vrijgekocht / Maak mij een beeld van U Robert Lowry
147. New 23rd. Ik weet de Heer is mijn Herder / Psalm 23 R. Carmichael
148. The old rugged cross / On a hill far away / ruwhouten kruis / Op die heuvel daarginds George Bennard
149. U alleen John Stainer G.T. Alberda
150. Vol genade, vol erbarmen
John Henry Willcocks, adjusted by G.T. alberda Herman Cornelis Voorhoeve
151. Vol genade, vol erbarmen
W.P. Rowlands Herman Cornelis Voorhoeve
152. Zu Bethlehem geboren traditional German folk song / Arranged by G.T. alberda Friedrich Spee
153. Zou ik voor U, God, niet zingen J. Schop / Arranged by G.T. alberda G.T. Alberda
154. Tot U, Heer Jezus, voert mijn baan Arranged by G.T. Alberda Carl Brockhaus
155. Wie vindt er woorden, U te danken Arranged by G.T. Alberda
156. Dank, aanbidding, lof en ere Arranged by G.T. Alberda
157. O, dierb're Jezus, vol genade Arranged by G.T. Alberda Carl Brockhaus
158. O, geef dat onze harten Wilhems Brockhaus / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
159. O, Lam van God, wie kan verkonden Arranged by G.T. Alberda Carl Brockhaus
160. Leven / Life Composed by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
161. Face to Face G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
162. For ever and ever G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
163. Just yet a while G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
164. Beautiful isle of somewhere John Sylvester Fearis Jessie Brown Pounds
165. Be with me Lord, where ever I go William Gardiner John Cennick
166. How precious is the Book divine William Gardiner John Fawcett
167. A pledge and a prayer Robert Harkness Rev. E.O. Knee
168. Bless the Lord, o my soul traditional / Arranged by G.T. Alberda king David
169. Be still my soul Jean Sibelius Kathrina von Schlegel / Jane Borthwick
170. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds R.M. McIntosh / Arranged by G.T. Alberda John Newton
171. Be still and know that I am God Anonymous / Arranged by G.T. Alberda Anonymous
172. All to Jesus I surrender Winfield Scott Weeden Judson W. van de Venter
173. Seelenbräutigam, Variant I Arranged by G.T. Alberda
174. Seelenbräutigam, Variant II Arranged by G.T. Alberda
175. O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß, organ chorale prelude, BWV 622. J.S. Bach
176. Welt, ade, ich bin dein müde Johann Rosenmüller / Arranged by G.T. Alberda
177. He who prays for me / ornamented version Tune by Klaas Kouwen / Arranged by Gertim Alberda
178. He who prays for me / congregational hymn version Tune by Klaas Kouwen / Arranged by Gertim Alberda
179. Wahrlich, dieser ist Gottes Sohn gewesen, BWV244 63b J.S. Bach
180. O dierb're Jezus, vol genade / O precious Jesus, full of grace
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
181. Jezus heeft mijn hand gevat / Jesus has taken my hand
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
182. Jezus leeft hij overwon / Jesus lives, he overcame
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
183. Uw verlossingswerk op aarde / Your work of salvation on earth
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
184. Still II, all stanzas arrangement
(when the oceans rise)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda
185. l'Amour de Dieu Arranged by G.T. Alberda
186. Zaligheid Arranged by G.T. Alberda
187. Gij trouwe Heer Arranged by G.T. Alberda
188. Gott ist mein Hirt, Psalm 23. Franz Schubert
189. How can it be? SATB John W. Peterson, arranged by G.T. Alberda
190. How can it be? TTBB John W. Peterson, arranged by G.T. Alberda
191. The Lord is my Shepherd After the chant by John Goss, arranged by G.T. Alberda
192. God die alles maakte / God who made the earth Hermann von Müller
(Carey Bonner), Arranged by G.T. Alberda
193. Dankt, dankt de Heer J. de Liefde / arranged by G.T. Alberda
194. God is mijn licht/ Gott ist mein Licht Melchior Vulpius / arranged by G.T. Alberda
195. O Herr, mein Hirt Wilhelm Brockhaus / arranged by G.T. Alberda
196. Jesu, meines Lebens Leben Christoph Anton / arranged by G.T. Alberda
197. On earth we dwell
(Variant I)
G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
198. Dor dal G.T. Alberda
199. Houd Gij mijn handen beide
(So nimm denn meine Hände)
P.F. Silcher / arranged by G.T. Alberda
200. Love divine, all loves excelling John Stainer / stanzas arranged by G.T. Alberda
201. Wat de toekomst brengen moge
('The Rose')
Amanda McBroom / arranged by G.T. Alberda
202. Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh' darein Unknown / arranged by G.T. Alberda
203. Heer, Jezus, 't waren ook mijn zonden G.T. Alberda G. Fidder
204. Loof de Heer arranged by G.T. Alberda
205. Bist du bei mir J.S. Bach / G.H. Stölzel / arranged by G.T. Alberda
206. Ik zal er zijn
Sela / arranged by G.T. Alberda
207. What a friend we have in Jesus
(new tune and composition)
G.T. Alberda
J.M. Scriven
208. Er ist auf Erden kommen arm G.T. Alberda Unkown
209. Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn / vs1 G.T. Alberda
Johann Heermann
210. Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn / vs2 chromatic G.T. Alberda Johann Heermann
211. Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn / vs3 G.T. Alberda Johann Heermann
212. Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn / vs4 G.T. Alberda Johann Heermann
213. Wenn dein herzliebster Sohn / vs5 G.T. Alberda Johann Heermann
214. Vom Himmel herab
(version 1)
G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
215. Vom Himmel herab
(version 2)
G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
216. Das alte Jahr vergangen ist G.T. Alberda J. Steurlein
217. Wat de toekomst brengen moge G.T. Alberda Jacqueline van der Waals
218. If there is trouble anywhere G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
219. The trumpet shall sound G.F. Händel 1 Corinthians 15 verse 52
220. O God, our help in ages past William Croft / arranged by G.T. Alberda Isaac Watts
221. Jesus, lover of my soul S.B. Marsh / arranged by G.T. Alberda C. Wesley
222. O God, U bent het die ons draagt William Croft / arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
223. Heilig ist der Herr! Franz Peter Schubert Johann Philipp Neumann
224. We praise Thee
(Tebe poyom)
Pavel Chesnokov None
225. U bent de stromende 'Bron van het Leven' G.T. Alberda
(inspired by Schubert)
G.T. Alberda
226. Alleluia, Behold, the Bridegroom comes in the night Anonymous chant-text
227. Otche Nash Nikolay Kedrov chant-text
228. U zij de lof G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
229. Jezus, die ons redding bracht G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
230. Daar in de Hof Gethsémané G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
231. Mein Gott, ich habe mir G.T. Alberda P. Gerhardt
232. Sollt' ich meinem Gott nicht singen, organ prelude G.T. Alberda
233. Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
(BWV 225)
J.S. Bach Unknown
234. Alle Menschen müssen sterben
(BWV 643)
J.S. Bach Johann Georg Albiuns
235. O come, all ye faithful
(1 stanza in the key of C)
John Francis Wade, arranged by G.T. Alberda Frederick Oakeley
236. O du liebe meiner Liebe Johannes Thommen, arranged by G.T. Alberda Elizabeth von Senitz
237. Sing unto the Lord a new song G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
238. Onze God, wij willen zingen P. Nicolai, arranged by G.T. Alberda C.G. Clemens
239. Jesu meine Freude
(BWV 227)
J.S. Bach Johann Franck
240. Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf
(BWV 226)
J.S. Bach Martin Luther
241. Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir
(BWV 228)
J.S. Bach Paul Gerhardt
242. Komm, Jesu, komm
(BWV 229)
J.S. Bach Paul Thymich
243. Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden J.S. Bach
Paul Thymich
244. Ik hef mijn ogen op naar de bergen G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
(Dutch, after Psalm 121)
245. Wie door veel beproeving gaat G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
246. Come let us bring G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
247. Bring all your praise G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
248. Jezus heeft mijn hand gevat G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
249. Onze schatten in de hemel G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
250. Through Jesus' blood G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
251. Gij hebt mij lief, getrouwe God en Vader Arrangement G.T. Alberda Hermanus Cornelis Voorhoeve
252. Er ruist langs de wolken H.R. Bishop, Arranged by G.T. Alberda Eduard Gerdes
253. Erlöster Mensch
(Es ist vollbracht)
Harmonisation by Bernard Greenberg, after my original G.T. Alberda
254. Uw liefde, Heer is zonder perk
('Old hundreth' / Psalm 134)
Louis Bourgeois, Arranged by G.T. Alberda Julius Anton von Poseck
255. Bij de kribbe Arranged by G.T. Alberda Unknown
(adjusted by G.T. Alberda)
256. Bij de kribbe
Unknown Unknown
257. Bethlehem, klein zijt gij Unknown Unknown
258. On solid ground G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
259. The Nicene Creed Strassbourg Psalm tune
(Genevan 36/68), arranged by Gertim Alberda
George van Popta
260. Het Offerlam G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
261. Geprezen zij nu Jezus' Naam, Diadem
Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
262. The Lord bless you and keep you Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
(after Numbers 6:24-26)
263. The Nicene Creed
(with 'sung' words)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda George van Popta
264. Ga niet alleen door 't leven Arranged by G.T. Alberda J.H. Gunning
265. Glaub' ich in Dir
(Christian version of 'Bist du bei mir')
Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
266. In the blink of an eye Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
267. Es ist Vollbracht, variant I, sung by the Cantamus App. G.T. Alberda / corrected by Bernard Greenberg J.E. Schmidt
268. Es ist Vollbracht, variant II, sung by the Cantamus App. G.T. Alberda J.E. Schmidt
269. Es ist Vollbracht, variant III, sung by the Cantamus App. G.T. Alberda J.E. Schmidt
270. Es ist Vollbracht, variant IV, sung by the Cantamus App. G.T. Alberda J.E. Schmidt
271. I will sing of the Lamb Tune by Stuard Townend, arranged by G.T. Alberda Stuard Townend
272. Es ist vollbracht, variant V, sung by the Cantamus App. J.S. Bach G.T. Alberda
273. Our Father who is in heaven, Variant I G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
274. Our Father, who art in heaven, Variant II G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
275. Es ist vollbracht
(tune theme), Canon at the Octave
G.T. Alberda
276. Es ist vollbracht
(tune theme), Canon at the Fifth below
G.T. Alberda
277. Jesu, meines Lebens Leben, an organ prelude Arranged by G.T. Alberda
278. Uit diepe nood Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
279. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt Arranged by G.T. Alberda Salomo Liscow
280. Großer Gott wir loben Dich, variant I Arranged by G.T. Alberda Ignaz Franz
281. Jesus, meine Zuversicht
(3 varying stanzas)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda Luise Henriette
282. Through Jesus' blood, Variant II G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
283. Großer Gott wir loben dich, variant II Arranged by G.T. Alberda Ignaz Franz
284. Kol slaven nash Dmitry Botniansky Mikhail Kheraskov
285. Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe Dmitry Botniansky, arranged by me Gerhard Terstegen
286. Op U, mijn Heiland, blijf ik hopen J.W. Franck, arranged by G.T. Alberda E.E. Gerwin
287. Christus der ist mein Leben Melchior Vulpius, arranged by me S. Graff
288. Großer Gott wir loben dich, variant II Arranged by G.T. Alberda Ignaz Franz
289. Auf Adlers Flügeln / Op adelaarsvleug'len G.T. Alberda Anni von Viebahn
290. Mijn leven is een pelgrimsstand Arranged by G.T. Alberda Friedrich Adolph Lampe
291. Dierb're Heer Jezus, Redder van de wereld G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
292. Perfect eternal rest G.T. Alberda H.L. Rossier
293. Door Uw bloed ben ik vergeven G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
294. Open our eyes, oh Lord G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
295. O, daar te zijn Arranged by G.T. Alberda J. de Liefde
296. I need Thee, ev'ry hour Robert Lowry, arranged by G.T. Alberda Annie S. Hawks
297. When storms around are sweeping Otte Plötz, arranged by G.T. Alberda Anonymous
298. King of kings and Lord of lords Gertim Alberda Wilson Smith
299. What more could the Redeemer do? Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
300. As Moses lifted up the snake Arranged by G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
301. Come, weary, anxious, laden soul G.T. Alberda unknown
302. Anbetung Dir, dem Lamme M. Teschner, arranged by G.T. Alberda Julius Löwen
303. Auf dem Lamm ruht meine Seele Wilhelm Brockhaus, arranged by Gertim Alberda Julius Anton Poseck
304. Jesus, Lamm Gottes, in Herrlichkeit droben gekrönet Joachim Nearder, arranged by Gertim Alberda Emil Dönges
305. O Lam van God Unknown, arranged by Gertim Alberda J.A. von Poseck
306. O God, Thou hast engaged our hearts
Henry Percy Smith, arranged by G.T. Alberda Thomas Henry Reynolds
307. Wilhelmus Unknown, after a French tune, arranged by G.T. Alberda Uncertain
308. Frysk folksliet / De âlde Friezen J.C. F von Schiller, arranged by Gertim Alberda Eeltje Hiddes Halbertsma
309. On earth we dwell
(Variant II)
G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
310. O Glory of the Father's grace G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
311. Amidst the silence of the night Henry Percy Smith
(MARYTON), arranged by G.T. Alberda
G.T. Alberda
312. Savior, come to earth this hour Erfurt, arranged by G.T. Alberda ChatGPT, under the direction of G.T. Alberda
313. O come, all ye faithfull
(full version; 4 stanzas, key of G)
Arranged by G.T. Alberda Oakely, Brooke, adjusted by G.T. Alberda
314. Take my life and let it be
(HENDON), 4 stanzas
César Milan, arranged by G.T. Alberda Frances Ridley Havergal
315. Gestorben ist Herr Jesu Christ, und wieder auferstanden. G.T. Alberda G.T. Alberda
Email: gertim . alberda @ gmail . com (connected)