Miracles by others (NT; outside the Gospels)

(Remark: Of course those miracles, performed by others, have been realized in the name of Jesus and would not have been possible without Jesus having supplied the authority and the power to do so. So, one could say that, indirectly, those miracles are wrought by Jesus as well.)

38 mentions
No. Miracle Verse
1. Miracles done by the 70 Luke 10:17
2. Miracles done by others Mark 9:39; John 14:12
3. Ascension of Jesus Acts 1:1-11
4. Giving of Holy Ghost Acts 2:1-4
5. Promise of wonders in Heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath Acts 2:19; Joel 2:30-31
6. Tongues Mark 7:32-35, 16:17; Luke 1:17-20, 1:62-65; Acts 2:4-11, 10:45-47, 19:4-6; 1Corinthians 12:7-11, 14:1-40; Revelation 10:11
7. Lame man healed by Peter and John Acts 3:1-10
8. House shaken in response to prayer Acts 4:31
9. Death of Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-11
10. Shadow of Peter has healing power Acts 5:12-16
11. Peter let out of prison Acts 5:18-23, 12:7-11
12. Miracles by Stephen Acts 6:8
13. Vision of Stephen Acts 7:54-60
14. Miracles through Phillip Acts 8:6-8
15. Philip carried away by the Spirit Acts 8:39
16. Paul meets the Lord and struck blind Acts 9:1-9
17. Pauls sight restored Acts 9:10-18
18. Peter healing Aeneas Acts 9:32-35
19. Peter raises Dorcas from dead Acts 9:39-42
20. Vision of Cornelius Acts 10:1-5, 10:30-32
21. Vision of Peter Acts 10:9-22
22. Peter freed from prison by an angel Acts 12:6-11
23. God spoke in an audible voice from Heaven Acts 9:4-12, 11:9; 2 Peter 1:18; Revelation 10:4, 10:8, 11:12, 14:2, 14:13, 16:17, 18:4
24. Paul makes Barjesus blind Acts 13:7-12
25. Cripple healed by Paul at Lystra Acts 14:8-18
26. Macedonian vision of Paul Acts 16:9-10
27. Paul casts out devil Acts 16:16-18
28. Earthquake in Philippians jail Acts 16:22-30
29. God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul Acts 14:3, 19:11-12
30. Paul raises Eutychus to life Acts 20:9-12
31. Jesus Christ appears to Paul Acts 9:1-9, 22:17-21, 23:11, 27:23-24; 1Corinthians 9:1, 15:8; Galatians 1:15-18
32. Paul not hurt by bite from viper Acts 28:1-6
33. Paul heals many Acts 28:8-10
34. Paul reports other miracles not recorded Romans 15:18-20
35. Appearances of Jesus Christ after resurrection are reported John 20:19-31, 21; 1 Corinthians 15:4-8
36. Paul was caught up into paradise 2Corinthians 12:1-5
37. Paul showed the signs of an apostle
(signs, wonders and mighty deeds)
2 Corinthians 12:12
38. John receives the Revelation at Patmos Revelation 1:10-19

Email: gertim . alberda @ gmail.com (without spaces)