Score Description or informationIn dulci jubilo Also known as: "Good Christian men rejoice" 1. In dulci jubilo, singet und seid froh! Unsers Herzens Wonne Liegt in praesepio, leuchtet als die Sonne Matris in premio*, Alpha es et O, Alpha es et O! *: The Bach Choral Gesänge, edition Breitkopf, nr. 3765 says 'premio', but that means 'price'. All other translations I could find, including a very old one (with original Latin) say 'gremio' meaning 'lap'. So, it is hard to think of this as a 'typo'; It is guessing what the reason might be; maybe 'lap' was considered to much a physical or even sexual expression. It is based on the German Geistliche Lieder, a 1533 Lutheran hymnal by Joseph Klug; maybe that songbook says 'premio' and Bach took over this version. To be sure one should look at an original handwriting of Bach and/or an original version of the Klug's Lutheran hymnal book. I can't find it online. 2. O Jesu parvule Nach dir ist mir so weh! Tröst mir mein Gemüte O puer optime Durch alle deine Güte O princeps gloriae. Trahe me post te, Trahe me post te! 3. O Patris caritas! O Nati lenitas! Wir wären all verloren Per nostra crimina So hat er uns erworben Coelorum gaudia Eia, wären wir da, Eia, wären wir da! 4. Ubi sunt gaudia Nirgend mehr denn da! Da die Engel singen Nova cantica, Und die Schellen klingen In regis curia. Eia, wären wir da, Eia, wären wir da! |